Research gone wild…

Misconception #1: thinking that there would not be a lot of information on the internet about educating in emergencies Misconception…

Finally.. an AHA moment!

I have to say, although this unit has introduced me to using WordPress, I thought I had a good idea…

Ideas for my FLS?

FLS? Future Learning Space… TWB Initiative: Education in Emergencies Refugee camp: Azraq Refugee Camp, Jordan Learning spaces: Classroom, Group work and…

The learning spaces + me

What started off as a module jam-packed with information about six different learning spaces, which was fairly overwhelming and a…

My new taxonomy!

As a current student and an aspiring teacher, my learning taxonomy is continuously evolving and changing as I continue to…

Blog rollllllin’

Located on the left hand side of this page towards the bottom are some blogs that I have been following…

An odd space…

The liminal space – one of the learning spaces we had to learn about during EDFD459. Definitely a space I had…